Worrying he may be as difficult as his brother (he had a few tantrums on the lunge to start with) C has taken her time and he has had three weeks of calm lunging, the last one in the Pessoa. We kept him to a routine, made everything seem easy for him , and yesterday she backed him in the arena then went straight out for a hack with another horse. Within seconds he met a tractor towing a massive trailer in our narrow lane, but as we drive tractors round them since birth he ignored it totally. Next came six cars and he had to stand in a passing place for them. Finally a fast driver who screeched to a halt (bloody girl works in the local stables so should know better than to hurtle round an 8 feet wide blind bend) then slammed her brakes on, revved her engine and tore off again.
he seems very happy and today she rode him again, walked and trotted round the arena willingly.
Apparently he rides really big so guess what, she wants to keep him.....
Anyone like to buy Layla (who is going beautifully and jumping even better) or Jonty, fab XC horse and placed several BE's ?
He should grow considerably yet, and he will get shoes on as he has a crack in one foot (our fault, not trimmed often enough)
Isn't he a good boy? (pics taken as he finished)