Chocx and Caroline competed in the Novice class at West Wilts yesterday, it's a long way from here but the course has a good reputation of being fair but technical.
As you can see the course wasn't any problem for him, he isn't too keen on skinnies but has learned he has to jump them regardless.
His dressage score was 30.5, a fair mark according to his rider, he then jumped a clear round SJ, and started the XC knowing they had to go fast and clear for a place as the competition in that class was stiff.
He didn't seem phased by the bigger fences and finished clear but with 4 time penalties, most others in that section also had them, but C was worried about going too fast and getting in trouble!
They finished a very creditable 7th place, which is what we try to aim for, being constistantly in the placings proving you aren't overfacing the horse or rider. (plus the family aim is always to win, so we don't compete unless we feel we have a real chance of doing that!)
Now the aim is to get round a few more Novices in similar fashion but higher places...
Jack (Final Matinee) had his legs scanned yesterday, he was a little unsound after his last event and we felt it was sensible to ensure there were no hidden hot spots, the vet assured us he was perfect, and it was reassuring to hear from the back man in the afternoon that he had found some tightness in his shoulders, possibly caused when he whacked a XC fence , that was likely to have been the cause.
Once upon a time I would have scoffed at being so meticulous re an injury, but when eventing costs so much it makes sense to try and keep a horse in tip top condition, now we can resume his fittening knowing he should be ok.
He and Chocolate compete at Stonar next.
I was looking at our three year olds yesterday and have to say they are stunning..
Callisto is likely to stay as my husband's horse, he looks rather like Jezebel his full sister who we lost last year, but taller and slightly classier . Galaxy and Oberon really do look super, and if not sold before autumn will start being backed and ridded out, I was amazed how much taller all of the baby horses have suddenly become, it was like being surrounded by full grown horses!
Solstice a four year old we sold is also about to be started, pics will appear on here of her progress.
Also about to be started is Isabella, being an orphan foal she isn't huge, but very elegant and so ready to do things, C will back her and then advertise her, she thinks she will be a super child's eventer.
Hope you enjoyed the pics and report, next report will likely be a BD, Choc went and did some classes last weekend bringing home a rosette from each one, I'll add the pics when I find them!